Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete CH is a two component, specially formulated prepackagedblend of Portland cement, aggregates, microsilica, fibers and other unique chemicals. Microsilica reacts chemically with the calcium hydroxide in the cement paste to produce a calcium silicate hydrate gel which yields a substantially improved in-place concrete. This material is ideal for use where a fast setting time and high strength are desired and can be used above or below grade. Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete CH (FRPC CH) is easy to use. Simply add the premeasured FRPC Additive and mix.
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Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete CH
Features & Benefits
- Prepackaged and easy to use, eliminatingjobsite mixing errors
- Fast strength gain
- Little down time
- Very low porosity
- Increased chemical resistance over normalconcrete
- Can be coated in 48 hours
- Great resistance to salt cake
- Topping or repairing deteriorated concrete
- Pouring pedestals
- Pouring curbs
- Rebuilding equipment bases
- Concrete repairs in recovery boilers
- Other high strength concrete repairs not exposed to acid
Pulp & Paper
Durable, easy to apply and polymer modified. This product can be poured or troweled into place where surface temps are high or you need something to hold up to salt cake. Good, cost effective alternative to traditional vinyl ester epoxies.
Chemical Processing
Durable, easy to apply and polymer modified. This product can be poured or troweled into place where surface temps are high or you need something to hold up to mild chemicals without using epoxy. Good, cost effective alternative to traditional vinyl ester epoxies.
Mining & Minerals
Durable, easy to apply and polymer modified. This product can be poured or troweled into place where surface temps are high or you need something to hold up to mild caustics. Good, cost effective alternative to traditional vinyl ester epoxies.
1 unit contains a 65 lb. bag and 1 gallon jug of liquid additive